LandCruiser Workshop Service, Repair and Electrical Manuals
Workshop manuals are an essential resource for any overlander, whether your trip is local or remote, you’ll want to make sure that you have access, so that should the worst happen you can at least attempt to rectify basic issues. These resources have been of untold value during our Overland Build of the 78-Series Troopy.
2014 - 2022 - 70 Series including VDJ
GRJ7#, HZJ7#, VDJ7#, VDJL7# - Derivatives
If you are looking for Toyota LandCruiser PDF manuals, for vehicles between 2014 and 2022, which are much the same as the final 2023 70-series models and includes Australian variants, below is the link to the online repair manual resources that provide access to all of the workshop manuals used by Toyota.
There is also an interactive option below.
The website is basically a collection of PDFs with the Toyota frontend web interface. these include; Electrical Wiring Diagrams (EWD), Body Repair Manual (BRM), New Car Features (NCF) and the Repair Manual (RM).

Toyota LandCruiser Interactive Repair Manual 2014-2022
Use the manuals interactively below, select the production date that matches your vehicle and hit “Service Information”.
Note: If you see nothing hit refresh!

1992 - 2009 LandCruiser Manuals
FZJ, HZJ, HDJ, VDJ, GRJ 70-Series Derivatives
These manuals cover all of the following older vehicle series.
- FZJ70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79 series
- HZJ70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79 series
- HDJ78, 79 series
- VDJ76, 78, 79 series
- GRJ71, 76, 78, 79 series
Toyota LandCruiser Interactive Repair Manual 1992 - 2009
Use the manuals interactively below, select the relevant section in the workshop breakdown tree. For example “Engine Repair Manual [ 1HZ ]”
Note: If you see nothing hit refresh!
Workshop Manual Downloads
Toyota Manuals for Download
Download an offline version of the 2014 – 2022 workshop manuals below. Instructions to run below.
Note: These manuals are available thanks to ToyotaManuals on

How to Run the Manuals Locally on Your Machine
The files downloaded above are in a compressed ZIP format. The file needs to be uncompressed, which is achieved by double click the file on most computers.
Once the files are uncompressed head over to the folder.
On a windows machine there is a file which is called “RunLocal.cmd” double click this file and it start a local webserver for you to access the files via a link which will be of the form “http://localhost:%PortNo%” in the window that appears.
Note: you will need to ensure that you have Python installed on your machine.
On MacOS, You will need to start terminal are then navigate to the folder where the files are stored. So if you download and uncompress in your Downloads folder you would need to navigate in terminal using:
cd Downloads/LandCruiser\ 70-Series\ Manuals\ 2014-2022
- npx http-server
This will give you a message to say that the server has started on http:/, you can navigate to this in your browser.
Note: the port may change.
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