Hotel cost: €80 double room
Up at the normal time, packed up and made tracks for Martin. Not too much of a journey today thankfully.
We reached Martin at about 2pm and parked up to look for a hotel/B&B. We managed to find a B&B, but it happened to be a 4* hotel. A decision was made to stay for the night. For a 4* hotel, the room were pretty undistinguishable and there was no air conditioning.
At this point Cassie had decided to go up to the rooms with Pete and did not tell us where she had gone. I had been at the car getting clothes and Dan had been sorting out the payment and did not see her go with Pete. We were both in an absolute panic! The receptionist saw this and simply stood there looking at us! I mean, she did absolutely nothing and when we asked her to call Pete’s room she simply said “I already have, there’s no answer”, Dan was starting to loose his temper and asked her to try again. That was it for me, the hotel dropped all it’s 4* in my eyes thanks to their receptionists disgusting behaviour. I decided to go up to the rooms to look for her whilst Dan stayed downstairs. I managed to find her with Pete. Phew! Panic over.
We dumped our stuff in the room and went off out into town for a beer and snack. The beers in Slovakia are strong, 12%, needless to say this loosened Dan up and he declared “Lets go buy a tent!”.
Martin seemed to have many camping and outdoor extreme sports stores. He had been saying for ages that he wanted us to have 2 smaller tents for these trips and the big tent for camping back home.
So what happened? We ended up buying 2 new tents!
After this we had to go back to the hotel so Dan could erect the new tents. We all had a bath, shaves etc. and then went down to the bar for a beer. We wondered around looking for a restaurant. We managed to find a restaurant tucked away inside a mall. Lucky for us the menu was in English/Slovak. Our phrasebook was turning out to be damn useless at deciphering menus and road signs. This meal was expensive compared to all the others we have had, city prices I guess. Back to the hotel and a farewell to Pete as he was getting up early to leave in the morning.
Breakfast was nothing exciting. Once again the hotel showed its rubbish customer service. We showed up in the dining room with no staff there to tell us where to sit, so we sat at any table. Got food, sat down only to be told very gruffly to move to another table. We weren’t even offered any help to carry our food to the other table, at the other end of the room too! We ate and left, nice to see the back of that place!

Wendy is a traveller, writer, and photographer with an insatiable curiosity for the world. Her journey, spanning South Africa, the UK, and now Australia, infuses her work with a rich tapestry of experiences. Join her on Getting Lost Again as she shares her creative perspective and passion for overland travel alongside Dan.