Getting Lost Again

Hopping the Channel via Calais to Ville de Laon, France

DAY 0: FRIDAY 29 JULY 2011

Camping Cost: Camping Municiple le Chenaie €14.40 – 2 nights, 1 adult & 1 child

We managed to leave a day earlier. Dan got Friday off work and we finished off the packing on the Thursday and decided to head for Dover to try board the 07.00hr ferry to Calais. Off to bed early for a very early rise. We thought we had promised ourselves no more silly timed ferries…Oh Well!!!

We were up early, 03.55hr, and out the flat and on the road by 04.30hr. Using our new GPS, the Garmin Montana, and made it by 06.00hr. Unfortunately the 07.00hr sailing was fully booked, but a £60 admin fee later and we were on the 08.15hr ferry and told that if there were any non arrivals for the 07.00hr ferry, we would get a space on there. Sitting in the car we saw the 07.00hr ferry dock..would we be lucky enough to get a spot on the ferry?

YES! We were on it!

We decided to drive at a reasonable pace and not break our backs driving long distances. We also didn’t want to go on the toll roads, so we got the GPS to take us – no toll, shortest distance on our route towards Interlaken. We stopped at the all important Intermarchѐ to gather supplies and then for lunch. Towards 15.00hr we were dropping like flies and decided to stop and find a campsite. So, here we are, on a one night stop in a standard municiple campsite. Tired and ready for sleep, after an easy dinner. But…we are on holiday!!!

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