Getting Lost Again

Chez Wardie & Lancie – St Jean D’Aulps

We took the mountain roads to St Jean D’Aulps. We had informed Anna that we were coming, but due to the incident in Paris, we were early by a day. We decided to stop in Taninges for lunch before arriving at there’s late afternoon. We had a lovely pizza in a sleepy pizzeria.

As always, we had a warm welcome from Anna and Lance. It’s been awhile since we have managed to get together so it was good to see them again. They had friends staying, so Carole and Daniel were given the other spare room and Cassie, Dan and I slept in the roof tent out in the garden. The guys had a great time chatting all things technical as Dan set the tent up.

We had gone to the supermarket on the way to Anna and Lance’s and gotten bits and pieces for dinner. We’d decided to fire up the Braai. Anna had outdone herself this year and had a magnificent veggie patch. Cassie and her raided the veggies to make us an assortment of fabulous salads to accompany our dinner.

Next day we decided to go into Les Gets to take the cable car up to Mont Cheri and then the chair lift to the very top. Carole is not good with heights, so she decided to stay at the bottom and wait for us. We bought our tickets and made our way to the cable car, bidding Carole a farewell.

The cable car journey up was uneventful, we sat and watched mountain bikers come down the mountain and Daniel recorded the journey up on his video camera. From there we hopped onto the chair lift. I was a tad nervous as I’ve never been on a chair lift before. It was a white knuckle experience for me. About a 3rd of the way up, Daniel went to put the strap of his camera case over his head and knocked his glasses off…we watched them slowly fall to the ground under the chair lift. Silly Billy! We’d have to go back and look for them on the way down.

Down we went to find Carole and go back to Anna and Lance’s. We had also been advised to go to Lac Montriond where there was a beach where Cassie could go for a paddle. The ladies spent a lovely day down at the lake paddling and reading, whilst the 2 Dans spent the afternoon fishing. They managed to catch a few tiddlers, nothing of an eatable size. Never the less, they had a good afternoon.

We retired back to Chez Anna to have another lovely meal round the table of braaied lamb and fresh veggie patch salads.

We bade a fond farewell to our lovely hosts, we were heading off into Italy for some offloading adventures.

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