Getting Lost Again

Kutna Hora Bone Church Ossuary

Church of Bones, Kutna Hora

Church of Bones – In Short

Sedlec Ossuary - Bone Church

The Sedlec Ossuary, nicknamed the “Bone Church”, is a small Roman Catholic chapel located beneath the Cemetery Church of All Saints in Sedlec, Czech Republic. Its macabre fame comes from the artistic arrangement of approximately 40,000 human skeletons throughout the chapel. Originally a 14th-century cemetery, it became a popular burial site after an abbot sprinkled soil from the Holy Land on its grounds. The ossuary’s interior features bone chandeliers, garlands of skulls, a coat of arms, and even the woodcarver František Rint’s signature, all crafted from human remains. This unique display serves as a stark reminder of mortality and the transience of life.

Teplice nad Metuji – Ĉeský Krumlov via the Church of Bones


We woke early today. Breaking camp and packing up was easier with our wonderful new tents.

Today we are off to Ĉeský Krumlov, stopping along the way at the Church of Bones in Kostince near Kutná Hora. We were lucky with the traffic today and made it to Kostnice in good time.

The church is the outcome of an estimated 40,000 to 70,000 people’s bones used to decorate the church. The church is said to be a reminder of our humanity, that without redemption we cannot enter heaven. It was an extremely interesting place.

We bought some souvenirs and headed out looking for lunch. After lunch, we set off for Ĉeský Krumlov.

It turns out that Cassie has gained a wobbly tooth..oh the woes of being a child.

We went through Ĉeský Budějove, home of Budweiser, on our way to Ĉeský Krumlov. Not much to write home about really.

The outskirts of Ĉeský Krumlov looked a bit like a building site. We drove through and found a campsite on the outskirts of Ĉeský Krumlov. The camp we found was in a solar farm, very bizarre. We paid for only 1 night as we were unsure if we wanted to stay or not.

What we ended up deciding on was having dinner in the camp restaurant, breaking camp early and heady off into Ĉeský Krumlov for breakfast so that we could beat the tourists and still see the town. We sat outside and ate our dinner under a candle light..romantic? Not really, we couldn’t see what it was we were eating!

Another early night, this time with an alarm wake up for 7 am so we could make town for breakfast and head off in time.

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